Monday, March 15, 2010

Today's Worship Services

The typical church service is so far from what I truly believe the Bible says it should be. There is more entertainment than there is real worship. There is a lack of Holy Ghost conviction, and a "it's ok" attitude towards sin. There is not much labeling sin as sin, it's mostly sugar-coated messages of self help. It saddens me to watch some of these services on television. Loud music that sounds like a rock concert, ungodly apparel, ungodly atmosphere and a lack of glorifying God.
It is clear that God is not pleased with it. I'm not saying that we can't incorporate new songs or even new worship formats, but if the new songs or formats are trying to blur the lines between the world and the church so that the church will become accepted then we become anti-biblical. For even the Word of God says clearly, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Rom 12:2). I wish I could put into words the things that are so clearly wrong with the worship services of today, but let me just let someone better speak about it; one by the name of Leonard Ravenhill.
I hope you enjoy this video. It touched me, and it also made me realize that I could not express what's on my heart fully, but this is a good start. God bless!

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